Here is Rio.....at the last minute we decided to take her to the Columbiana Walking Horse Show this past Saturday....now keep in mind - she has only had 60 days of training, never been in a show ring, or anywhere for that matter. It was just a fun thing that we wanted to do just to see how she would do.
Now this is a huge show - horses from all over that do this every weekend. She was in a class of 9. Gaited Country Pleasure. There was music, noise, people screaming, white plastic stuff all around flapping. She went in there and acted like she owned the place. Never once acted scared. She got in, settled, and went to town.
"She took 3rd"
We were so proud - I even started crying....I was just so proud of her!!!!!
She loved the attention - all day - everyone oogling over her - bathing, braiding, scratching, rubbing....etc....
She is such a good girl, and we have fallen head over heels......
Thinking we might have found her "thing"....we will see.
Thanks to all my friends who helped get her ready, came to the show, and cheered her on.
I love you guys !!!
(Also BIG THANKS to Janet who showed her..and trained her - you are the best.)
Happy Trails and Showring !!