Wednesday, February 13, 2008

They finally got me......

Been lurking at everyone's posts for a few days now seeing everyone get tagged for different things, stories, etc......7 things no one knows about me.......6 quirky horse things....etc....
So Oh Horsefeathers got me.....darn it....I thought I was in the clear since it seemed everyone was going back to the normal postings....LOL
I will post this later this afternoon....after I get "some" work done ....
Plus I have to think of 3 people to tag back.....
Stay tuned......
(Oh and thanks again Oh Horsefeathers)

1 comment:

Mrs. Mom said...

hehe no prob! Hey *I* thought I was in the clear too, but Nooooo! I got kicked a couple times. Thought it was only right to share the love there! ;)

Hows the babies doing? ANd does Bear like his barefoot DVD's?