Had a wonderful trip, and will be posting more photos as soon as my friend Kat, gets me the disc of everyone pics.....those have more of me....LOL
This is on top of one of the mountains at Spence Field which is a gorgeous place. Just a few of us, when I get all the pics there is one of all of us that a hiker took.
Hope to get them this week.

But after we got on the trail, it was worth it.
Rio did exceptionally well for her first LONG ride. We rode about 7 hours on Saturday at Tremont - or Smokey Mountain Institute which is a gorgeous ride. Have some great pics of the water coming off the mountain that I will share later...(come on Kat - need those photo !!)
Then Sunday we rode in Cades Cove and rode about 6-7 hours
I believe we rode a total of 16 miles on Saturday and about 15 or so on Sunday. It rained on Friday so we did not get to ride.
But in the meantime, I wanted to share my cute little boxer - Sugar - with you.
I am always checking out those cute boxers on Trail Boss's site and then last week Train Wreck showed us her doggy and made us guess what kind it was. I did not do very well at that - but heck I had never heard of an Argentine Dogo. But it sure is cute !!
Well this is Sugar, she is my sweet little boxer. Some say she does not look complete boxer, but I have her papers, and met both her mom and dad when I bought her, so......
I really don't care one way or the other - I had her fixed so there is no breeding in her forecast.
Here she is with Bear in the pool right after we got her.....notice how white she is with just that little black eye and a little bit of black on her ear. She was so pink on her belly.....oh she just made my toes curl.
Here is Sugar at about 3 months old
She is now covered in them all over her underside and even on her topside a little too. However, they are only on her skin.....not on her fur.
We did not have her ears clipped, she does have a docked tail, as they did that when she was first born....(oh I don't want to think about that).
She is my buddy - she goes everywhere with me (except work), she camps with us, she trail rides with us (when she can - most places say "No Dogs on the Trails"). She is a gem and I love my cutie pie.
She gets along pretty good with other dogs, as long as they don't try to love on her momma ! She is very jealous of me.
You like her Auburn collar? She has an orange one now and it looks too cute on her. Also got her a flea collar (they have been horrible this year) and it is baby blue.
She is a hoot - and thinks she is a tiny puppy.....she gets in the chair with me and wants everyone to pick her up and hold her, funny thing, most of my friends do....
We all love Sugar !! Hope you will too now.
I will get those pics from Kat asap.....we are trail riding again this weekend, just an overnighter, and it is also mine and Bear's 11 year anniversary.
See ya all soon !!
1 comment:
Oh Yay!! Jamie's back!!
I missed you girlfriend :)
Sugar is as sweet as candy! I love that black eye patch. Too cute! I want to just smooch her lips, too. Looks like she's wearing Goth lipstick. lol! :)
I can't wait to see all your trail riding photos. The two you included look so fun! Wow! 16 hours in the saddle. Did you end up walking funny when you dismounted? lol!
We've been riding alot here, too. The weather has been unseasonably warm...just gorgeous...here in the mountains.
So, post those trail pics and tell us all the fun stuff...and adventures you all did while on the trail, ok?
I'm jsut thrilled your back home again!
Oh! Have a great time trail riding this weekend, too :)
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