We are leaving on Wed to go on a 5 day camping / horse riding trip at KC Ranch in Double Springs, Alabama.....my favorite place.
Then when I get home Bear and I are house / horse sitting for 10 days for our trainer. They have 3 studs and about 14 horses that have to be fed, stalls cleaned etc. They are going to California for a Vet conference (she is a vet tech also as well as my trainer).
Then the next weekend we have our friend / client Christmas party, then the next weekend is my family Christmas at my house.
Then we are leaving the day after Christmas for a 6 day camping / horse riding trip to Winchester, Tennessee at Circle E.....
Soooooo.......just been getting my house and camper ready !!!!
Just wanted to wish everyone a very Happy and Safe Thanksgiving.
Love you all !!

You will have a great time no doubt. I can't help being a bit green with envy.
Have fun and be safe!
Happy Thanksgiving to you all as well! Thank-you! I've just tagged you for a meme!
So basically, we're not going to see or read hide nor hair of you until after the holidays! lol!
I'm sure gonna miss you, my friend.
Please take lots of photos and catch us all up when you get back to normal again after the holidays.
And most of all...have fun and be safe.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hope it's filled with good food, wonderful friends and family, and many happy memories to be made :)
New Mexico
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