Monday, January 19, 2009

Huge Thanks to Everyone !!!

Just a couple of lines here, to thank each and every one of you for your thoughts, prayers, emails and comments.
It really made each night when I sat down to check my email and blog.

We are all doing okay. Just trying to get by each day, and I am sure each day will get easier. My mom and dad are trying to find things to do, as I am sure you realize, when you have a special needs child - most of your time is doing things for them. When they are gone, you really don't know what to do with your time. Also my 90 year old grandmother lived with them, and she was a huge part of Stevie's life, so all three of them (who were with her every single day) are still in need of prayers and thoughts. So keep it up girls !!!!

There were over 500 people in attendance on Monday night and Tuesday, so she was very very loved. I think we all are. All of my friends came on Monday night and a few on Tuesday. Even a couple of high school friends who I have not seen in 10+ years came by (they read it in the paper).

The services were very nice. My mom's pastor did a wonderful job. One of the guys from my mom's church sang a song he had written and as soon as he makes me a CD I will put it on here for all of you to hear. It is about Jesus coming for us on a white horse, and the title and chorus of the song is "Come ride with me" It was awesome and I cannot wait to share it with all of of my horse loving friends. My mom told me it was Stevie's favorite songs at church (not really a funeral song), but I kinda think it she liked it because she loved my horses and really wanted to be able to ride one.

My comfort comes now knowing that Stevie is no longer in distress, no longer having a hard time walking around, running out of breath, not having to stick those needles in her each day for her diabetes, and knowing that she is riding that white horse with our Lord.

Again, thank you all !!!! It means the world to me knowing I have you all praying for me.

(On an upside.....I did show on Saturday - my parents came, brought me a horse shoe bracelet that my mom bought Stevie at my last show, also a flower from her gravesite. I stuck it in the front of my saddle, so it could be seen. I got 2nd place in Trail Pleasure class. Rio did awesome and I am sure I had my sweet Stevie riding with me.......)

Love you all.
Be back soon !!!


Mrs. Mom said...

We love you too Jamie ;)

Glad you went to CELEBRATE life there, and ride knowing Stevie was with you too! Sounds like the show went excellent for you guys.

The W.O.W. factor! said...

Jamie, I'm with MrsMom here..what a great tribute in a way, to celebrate life, celebrate both of yours and Stevies love for life! I'm glad you did well, and I'm sure Stevie was was enjoying being a "part" of that too.

Callie said...

Hey, Jamie, I know this is a rough time for you. Take care and I did give you a very deserving award. Whenever you are ready, come on over and pick it up!