Just have not had it in me to blog. I have not been feeling well for about 3 months now, and really just thought it was my RA.
But about 4 weeks ago, I had a huge knot come up on the front of my throat. A girl at work noticed it. I immediately called the dr and made an appointment for the next day. Dr said he thought it was a thyroid nodule (????? I am thinking). Anyway, he took some blood and made me an appoinment to have an ultrasound 2 days afterward (which was on a Friday). I hate having tests on a Friday - you have to worry all weekend.
Anyway, he called me on the next Tues., and said my thyroid blood test levels were WAY high, and he wanted me to have a thyroid scan and see an endocrinologist. Had the scan that Friday and went to see the endocrin. on the next Friday.
We turns out, my thyroid is hyperactive. Which has caused the following: profuse sweating and hot flashes (thought I was starting menopause), jaw pain, insomnia, weight loss (Yeah !! I have lost about 15 pounds), crazy itching, heart beating 90,000 miles an hour, and they said having lots of energy....however that is the only symptom I did not have......I have been very very tired, and felt like I had the flu.
The week I was going to the endocrin. Bear and I both really did get the flu. I was out of work for 2 days and Bear was out 3 (but shoeing horses is a lot harder than sitting at a computer). Got better and went to the drs appt on that Friday.
Dr. said that I was very very hyperactive in my thyroid. Actually that day put me on Beta Blockers because my heart rate and blood pressure were very very high. But only had to take those for 14 days.
Scheduled me to have my thyroid radiated......
So, went day before yesterday to the nuclear medicine dept at the hospital, took a pill of iodine and a small amount of radiation. Went to work.
Went back yesterday and had a scan. They use a formula to determine how much radiation to give you....by this scan and my bloodwork.
Came back an hour later and took a radiation pill........So weird, I had to go in this tiny room, with warning signs on the door, and she took the pill out of a metal cylinder.....oooooooo - scary !!
But was fine, I am kinda quarantine for a little while. I can't sleep with or kiss (or anything else) Bear for 5 days and have to not get too close to pregnant women or children for 30 days. At least not hug or hold them.
But hoping to start feeling better soon.
Sorry I did not post this already, but I sure have asked for my share of prayers this year from you guys, and I knew it would be fine.
On to something good.
Have not really been feeling like sitting down and surfing blogs lately (But I will catch up soon), I did have a sweet message and award from MiKael over at MiKael's Mania - Arabian Horses . I love to read about her Arabian horses and showing.
Thanks MiKael.......Hugs to you (Oh and Happy Belated Birthday)
The award description:
"These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."
I love it, but really do not feel worthy, especially since I have been gone for a while now, and not been sharing.....but it is going to make me a better blogger......and hopefully I will be feeling better.
Here are my eight picks:
OK, I know that is 10, but you guys are my peeps, and I love you all......You check on me, you pray with and for me, and you are all around just great gals......and I love ya......
Show season is starting on March 7th, and I have to participate in at least 8 shows to qualify for state, so hopefully I will have some ribbons to share soon !
Be back soon.......hopefully not glowing from the radiation !!!
Congrats on your award and Thank-you so much! Hope you'll be able to kiss creatures again soon, Good grief! Take care!
My goodness girl! That thyroid is craziness! You be careful!!
Congrats on the award and thank you! I will put it up shortly.
Congrats on your show too! That's awesome!!! So proud of you!!! That's how it should be, FUN!!!!
Dude- yer a Glow Worm!! ;)
Wondered where you were Jamie, but sure glad to hear that you ARE ok out there. You have this knack for popping up just when I think about you and plan on coming over here to ring your bell and see what y'all are up to!
Take good care there girlfriend, and don't let glowing in the dark keep you up at night!
Much loves to yas!
Hah! I was getting ready to ask you if you glow in the dark! lol!
Really, though, I sure wish you would have checked in and let us know how you were. I have been thinking about you every day. I checked to see if you posted something and each day on my list, it would say "last post: 4 weeks ago" gah!
I figured you were still mourning over Stevie's death, so I just waited patiently.... But that is way too long, baby!
I'm glad you're back again, sweetie. I know you're going to be just great! But I'm still worried about you, and I'll be keeping you in my prayers and sending you healing energy.
Will you have to take anymore radiation pills?
About 6 years ago I was told I had a hypoactive thyroid and to start taking meds. We were in the middle of a move, so I never did.
I know I should be retested and get treatment if needed, but I just hate to have to take any daily meds.
I've been told that hyperthyroid is much more serious condition, though.
So please take good care of yourself. And have fun peparing for all the shows coming up.
And don't stay away so long, k??
ps And thanks for the award, my dear friend!
Thanks, Jamie. What an ordeal you're going through with that thyroid. I hope it all resolves itself soon, so you can get on with your life of hugging and kissing Bear and a few babies.
Thanks for the award! You are too sweet!!
I am amazed at what you had to go through for the thyroid. I heard that was fairly common, but did not know you might have to have radiation. I hope you are on the mend and get it balanced out soon! ;)
That reminds me I am due to go in for a check-up and physical....sometimes those minor little symptoms (which can be also be explained by various other things, like stress or lack of sleep) might actually be something!
Thanks guys !
Mrs. Mom....glow worm...LOL too funny !!!
2 days of no kisses.....dangit man!! Even no kissing the dogs or horses....They said 3-5 days, so I guess after the weekend, I will be spending all my time making up for it...
Everyone have a great weekend, we have 2-4 inches of rain expected and maybe some snow on Sunday....WHERE IS SPRING?????
Hi there, cute post! I'm visiting from over at All Things Horses @trailridingcowgirl.blogspot.com I told her I would check in on the other "friend" blogs. I had the same problem with my thyroid but only it was hypo. Really is hard getting that thing regulated! I've added you to the list!
Thank you Jamie, you are too sweet...
But Wow! You've been through an ordeal!
Did they tell ya to stay away from computers too? Radiation and all...may ruin the "internet waves"!
Take care of yourself! Spring is coming..
BTW...I could use that symptom you don't have..
no energy!
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