Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Things have been hectic as you can imagine. But wanted to give an update on Stevie.

Still in ICU, still on ventilator. I guess the pneumonia is causing her to have fluid on her lungs. So several times a day they have to suck it out. This is very very painful, and she is having to get pain meds and meds to sedate her also. This kinda puts a set back on getting her off the vent, when she is sedated she is not breathing on her own. Kind of a double edged sword.

She spiked a fever last night of 102.7, but they did get it down.

All we can do now is just pray...pray for comfort, pray for my parents, pray for faith. I know that God is with her and will do what he needs to do with her. She is just so pitiful and it makes me sad.

I had her watching horses on Animal Planet yesterday while they were suctioning, but bless her heart it just hurt so badly.....we were both crying.

Thanks for all of your comments, they mean so much to me, and I know you are all with me and praying.

Will update when I can.


Mrs. Mom said...

Hang in there Jamie and Stevie-- will keep praying for you guys all over here.

Plant yourself in that ICU if oyu have to! Just be with her, and let her know we are all praying like crazy for her!

Jamie said...

They are letting my mom stay with her from 11am until 8:30pm, so that is fantastic. I made her fight for that....

bamacountrygrl said...

Jamie....I love you guys and I'm praying for you and Stevie and your family. I know that things are hard, but I pray that God will take care of Stevie! You know you can call me if you need ANYTHING! I love you guys! Kat

Train Wreck said...

Thanks for the update! I have been thinking of you and your sister! Yes hang in there!I am happy to hear that your mom can stay with her! How ridiculus you have to ask let alone fight for that! You are in my thought and prayers.

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

OH no, poor sweet Stevie. I'm praying for strength, patience, health and a pain free experience for her. I'm so sorry.